What I have read, heard or seen on 2016-12-13. A nice T-SQl piece of code to split a string with FTparser in SQL Server 2008+: Split string with sys.dm_fts_parser Also, I learned how to read data from SQL Server into RMarkdown: library(RODBC) cn <- odbcDriverConnect(connection="Driver={SQL Server};server=.;database=test;trusted_connection=yes;") myQuery <- sqlQuery(cn, " -- Create table SELECT * FROM MyTable ") myQuery ## id text ## 1 1 You can write me an email ## 2 2 on my private email address: tomaz.tsql@gmail.com ## 3 3 or even on this imaginary email address tomaz.tsql@nowhere.at ## 4 4 or on my fake non-existing email address not-exist@all ## 5 1 You can write me an email Bob ## 6 2 on my private email address: tomaz.tsql@gmail.com ## 7 3 or even on this imaginary email address tomaz.tsql@nowhere.at Bob ## 8 4 or on my fake non-existing email address not-exist@all ## 9 1 You can write me an email Bob ## 10 2 on my private email address: tomaz.tsql@gmail.com ## 11 3 or even on this imaginary email address tomaz.tsql@nowhere.at Bob ## 12 4 or on my fake non-existing email address not-exist@all ## 13 1 You can write me an email ## 14 2 on my private email address: tomaz.tsql@gmail.com ## 15 3 or even on this imaginary email address tomaz.tsql@nowhere.at ## 16 4 or on my fake non-existing email address not-exist@all ## 17 1 You can write me an email ## 18 2 on my private email address: tomaz.tsql@gmail.com ## 19 3 or even on this imaginary email address tomaz.tsql@nowhere.at ## 20 4 or on my fake non-existing email address not-exist@all Written on December 13, 2013